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Showing posts from 2015

The Secret to health and Longevity!

What does it take to live a healthy life until the age of 122? The secret is in your mind and thoughts!  I work everyday with all sorts and ages of clients. Clients come to me, to help them get and live pain-free.  I love working with my clients and a big part of what I teach them is that they already have everything they need to live pain free. It is up to all of us to do what makes us happy, find joy in everyday life and live in the moment. Eat and drink what makes us happy. The person that eats the hot dog and beer and relishes it- is better off than the person who is eating boiled fish and steamed vegetables and hating every bite! In the words of the late Jeanne Calment " if you can't do anything about it, then why worry about it!"Did I mention that she smoked everyday.
Ageless Mindset- Living Agelessly I have been telling clients for years that the reason their back hurts has nothing to do with age. I will hear almost on a daily basis " corrie my knees hurt, or my back hurts, or my bunions are getting larger…but you know I am old" Why do we have this belief that as we get older it goes hand in hand with our bodies falling apart. How many of you think the above picture is an accurate depiction of what it means to get older?  Dr. Christiane Northrup  is a leading woman's doctor and pioneer in women's health. I recommend reading her words of wisdom on her blog or in her books. She is on a mission to change the way we view getting older. Yes we all are getting older,which is an opportunity to increase our value and competence! Decline and Decay is not inevitable despite what you have been taught! Dr. Christiane Northrup  argues that our thoughts and beliefs about aging will determine how we age! "Aging is optional- getting old

How to Breathe from Your Diaphragm

Just Breathe! Sounds easy right? If you are one of my clients you know how important breathing is, and also how difficult it can be to do it properly. When discussing breathing, we are referring to breathing from your diaphragm, and causing your abdomen to expand as your lungs fill with air. This is not only wonderful for reducing tension, it also ensures that all your body parts have enough oxygen being delivered to them. Diaphragmatic breathing rapidly and effectively calms you down and is an immediate stress reliever. To check if you are breathing correctly Try this exercise: Lay down on the floor with your legs over a chair or bench.  Place a book on your stomach. Make sure you expel all your air, exhaling completely.  Then slowly raise the book as you inhale slowly to the count of 5. Exhale the same way, counting slowly to 5 as the book drops down. Enjoy a 5 minute stress buster break today with diaphragm breathing! corrie

Bone Broth and Collagen Hydrolydate

Bone Broth and Collagen Hydrolysate: A Gelatin Supplement I freeze my bone broth in these individual servings and then store in a freezer bag in the freezer . I am a former vegetarian now talking about the benefits of bone broth and Collagen Hydrolysate: A gelatin supplement.  I remember when I found out my favorite candy had gelatin in it I didn't want to eat it. A lot has changed, Meat and veggies make up most of my diet today. I have felt a new wellness since I stopped eating grains and incorporated more meat and vegetables, fruit and very little sugar into my diet. I have talked about Grain Brain  before in a previous post. Homemade Bone Broth provides a rich source of collagen, a component that adds luminosity and plumpness to the skin. Aaah who doesn't want that! In addition consuming Collagen Hydrolysate: A gelatin supplement daily and or drinking bone broth daily provides a lot of health benefits that go beyond better skin, hair and nails. Gelatin helps bala

Cauliflower Soup with Bone Broth and Turmeric

Cauliflower Soup with Bone Broth and Turmeric Onions, Garlic, and Cauliflower simmering in Chicken Bone Broth Finished Soup with a topping of mushrooms and sharp cheddar cheese Sauteed Mushrooms in butter with salt and pepper Recipe 6 cups of Organic Chicken Bone Broth (homemade or store bought) 1 onion chopped 2 cloves of garlic minced 1 Tbs. of Dry Mustard 1/2 Tbs. of Turmeric 1 large head of Cauliflower optional: sauteed mushrooms and grated cheese for topping Method I roasted an organic chicken Sunday night, so of course I put the bones in a stock pot and covered with water and simmered on the stove top until tuesday afternoon. A little long for chicken but it was the only time I had. I am obsessed with Bone broth. I will do an entire post on it soon for you.  I put a tablespoon of grass fed butter in the pot and cooked the onion and garlic until translucent. I added the mustard powder and turmeric and cut cauliflower. then add your bone broth a

3 Ingredient Pancakes!

3 Ingredient Pancakes   These Pancakes are a great option for busy mornings. As easy as making your morning smoothie. Place  1 banana, 2 TBS. Chia Seeds, 2 eggs in blender and blend until mixed. Heat a skillet to medium heat and pour pancakes. I add fresh fruit and a sprinkle of cinnamon along with maple syrup. Sometimes I have been adding these dark chocolate chips as well. These pancakes can easily burn so I recommend cooking them slow over medium heat. Enjoy! I first found these pancakes on  The Skinny Confidential Blog  Lauren writes this blog and she is fun to read. Enjoy! Corrie

Chicken Fajitas Style Dinner

Chicken with peppers and mushrooms My plate chicken and peppers with Avocado Hello! As promised yesterday here is my post on dinner last night. My husband wanted Burritos… so I decided to make this Chicken Fajita Style dinner, I had tortillas and beans and cheese for the family. Everyone could assemble their own burrito just as they liked it. Since I have given up all grains I could eat the chicken alone with avocado on it. I want to do a future post on why I have given up grains. For now I will tell you it has been 4 months and I feel great! I have so much energy through the day. I sleep like a rock. I have experienced an overall feeling of wellness. If you are interested in learning more I highly recommend this book. Grain Brain Recipe for Chicken Fajitas 1 pound of chicken breast cut into 2-inch strips 1 T of Coconut Oil 1 tsp chili powder 1/2 tsp. cumin 1 onion thinly sliced 1 clove garlic minced 2 different colored bell peppers thinly sliced mushrooms sliced

Catching Up and Posting Pictures

Remembering how to upload photos to my blog! Yikes and I have thousands of photos on my iPad. Mostly of my clients that i need to sort and upload on the website!! My daughter is 12 and although she takes hundreds of pictures of herself I need to get her permission before posting one. Not the best picture but I could take it and post it! LOL I have gone grain-free. I will update on tomorrows post. Tonight my husband felt like burritos. I am making chicken and veggies, beans and tortillas. Pictures and recipe tomorrow. My son Tyler playing for JV baseball!
 It has been 2 years since I have posted. I want this blog to be a place I can share health and wellness information along with recipes and tidbits from my life! as a mother of a 15 year old boy and a 12 year old girl and wife that just celebrated her 20 year anniversary with the love of my life. I love cooking and I am always trying new recipes for my family. Nutrition advice is plentiful every where you look, and seemingly ever changing. I will share what is working for us and hopefully inspire you to get in the kitchen with your loved ones...cook and enjoy your food with the people you love!