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Showing posts from January, 2012

Crock Pot Dinner

Cock Pot Dinner There is nothing better than coming home after a long day working and smell the delicious aroma of a cooking dinner. Sometimes I am lucky enough to have my husband, or my mom in the kitchen being the one cooking such dinner. On other nights when we are busy with work, and kids activities, a slow cooked meal is ideal. I am always experimenting with new recipes. This recipe is very healthful and also quite tasty, so I am sharing it with you. This is what it looks like in the crockpot in the a.m. when you leave. This is what it looks like when it is done 8 hours later. Add a hunk of great bread and you have dinner. INGREDIENTS 3 yellow potatoes cubed 1  (10 ounce) package of frozen spinach 2 large carrots,chopped 2 rutabagas, chopped 3 cloves garlic, minced 1 cup of dry lentils water to cover Magical spice mix that allows these ingredients to shine without any added fat 1 teaspoon chopped fresh basil 1 teaspoon of chili powder 1 teaspoon turmeric 1

Iliopsoas The Source of Such Much Pain

ILIOPOSOAS THE SOURCE OF SO MUCH PAIN The Iliopsoas is the largest and most powerful muscle of the body. The iliopsoas is the only muscle that attaches the spine to the legs. It is the largest and most powerful of the skeletal muscles. The iliopsoas if not functioning properly can lead to many problems. In most people the problem is that function has been lost in one or both hips due to a dysfunctional iliopsoas. The iliopsoas adapts to our current sedentary lifestyle. Too much sitting in our daily life leads to a shortening of this muscle. More times than not this shortening happens at different rates for the two hips.  While reading this stand up and close your eyes for a moment.,pay attention to the weight being placed on your feet. If you feel like you are heavier on one foot, it is probably because your opposite hip is tighter causing your body to compensate by elevating that hip which makes your body shift to the opposite hip and leg. Now look at your hips while standing in

Take A Cobra Break

It is Friday, the end of a work week. Take a break from working and do a restorative cobra pose. It takes 1 minute and you will certainly feel invigorated and ready for your next task. First lie face down, forehead on floor or mat. Keep your buttocks firm and feet pressed down and pointed straight ahead. Place palms flat on the floor under your shoulders. Now Inhale, curl your upper body as you slowly raise your head,nose,chin,shoulders, and chest. Pelvis remains on the floor. Allow shoulder blades to drop down toward spine, and lift your heart and chest up. Breathe.... hold for 30 seconds. Slowly uncoil your spine and return to the floor. Repeat. I RISE TO MEET LIFE"S CHALLENGES WITH CALM AND CONFIDENCE The benefits are that it tones the back and buttocks muscles. It expands the ribcage by stretching the intercostal muscles between the ribs allowing for better breathing.  The Cobra restores extension in the back , shoulders, neck, and head which helps counter

Juicing:Make your own Green Juice

Try this recipe for Green Juice 2 handfuls of washed organic greens( i used beautiful swiss chard) 2 organic carrots 1 medium organic green apple 1/2 organic lemon (rind and all) 1 inch of fresh ginger root It helps to have an excellent juicer. I use the Breville. Enjoy! Your own healthful juice.


FUNCTION RUN @ THE BEACH In addition to traveling to clients homes to work one on one with them, we also can meet @ selected locations. One of my favorite locations is Coronado Beach. It has an expansive sandy beach, with sand dunes just calling our names to run up and down. This morning I had a session with my client Rhonda, and she has agreed to share her experience with all of you. GO RHONDA! Warming up with Cats and Dogs and Downward Dog Arm Circles Now for the fun! We started with a walk down the beach, Barefoot to give our feet the best workout, which in turn allows the load bearing and gait muscles of the hips,knees and feet to work at their best. Then we ran up and down those Dunes. You can always find a place for step-ups. Lets get those hip-flexors working! Thanks Rhonda... Lets do it again next weekend. See you on Saturday.

Mom's Sunday Morning Mixed-Grain Pancakes

MOM'S SUNDAY MORNING MIXED-GRAIN PANCAKES This is my Mothers recipe and has been in our family for years. My addition to  is to add fresh or frozen berries. INGREDIENTS 1 cup whole wheat flour 1 cup rolled oats 1/2 cup yellow cornmeal 1 teaspoon baking soda 2 teaspoons baking powder 2 cups buttermilk (or add 2 TBS. white vinegar to regular milk) 1 cup plain non-fat yogurt 2 TBS. oil 2 eggs lightly beaten In a medium-size bowl, mix dry ingredients. In a large bowl, beat buttermilk, yogurt, oil, and eggs. Add dry ingredients to liquid ingredients, blending until no dry lumps appear. Let stand fifteen minutes before cooking. This is what it should look like. Now they are ready to cook. You can add fresh berries if you have them or like I did today add frozen. I always have frozen berries in the freezer. I add them to the individual pancakes once they have been poured on the griddle. Enjoy!

Walking with my Dog!

I took my dog on a hike in La Jolla today. It was a beautiful day with big surf. He is a five year old Vizsla. He makes for a great workout partner, always eager to go even if he is sleeping. For those of you that own dogs, it is a great motivator to get out and moving. Walk with your dog. Have a great weekend everyone.
How to Prepare Kale and other Greens... Try this recipe for Kale tonight. There are different types of kale and Dark leafy greens that I prepare often. I use the same technique for all of them. When shopping at the market buy which green that looks the best that day. I went to my Whole Foods market today. I am lucky that they carry a wide verity of gorgeous greens grown locally. They all looked so good that I bought five different types. I bought green kale, red russian kale, Rainbow swiss chard, Red swiss chard, and Collard greens. I use the same recipe for all of them. While I was at Whole Foods I made a salad from their salad bar. I highly recommend it if you are there during a meal time. Now for the easiest and best tasting kale recipe... First wash each leaf under cool running water, and chop off the end of the stems. Sometimes if the stem is thick and big I will remove it. Usually I just trim the ends off. Once you have washed and trimmed the Kale, today

My Work Day in Sunny San Diego

It was such a Beautiful Day today I decided to take a few photos to share with you. First from Lake Hodges. Next I was in Rancho Santa Fe. They are doing some work on the golf course. Then I headed to the coast. The gorgeous ocean. I love my lives work. How lucky I am to have the privilege to work with my clients with such beauty surrounding us. There you have it. A day in my life.

Give Quinoa A Try

Give Quinoa a Try. Happy New Year everyone. I wish you a year filled with health and happiness. I am sharing quinoa with you today. Quinoa is a whole grain that is a complete protein all by itself. This makes quinoa a super food and super good for you and your family. Cooking Instructions Quinoa should be rinsed thoroughly before cooking. Run the quinoa should a fine strainer until the water runs clear. Then bring 2 cups of water or broth to a boil and add 1 cup of quinoa.Bring to a boil, reduce heat, cover with lid and simmer for 15 minutes. The grain should be translucent and the germ should spiral out of each grain. Quinoa can be eaten like this with salt and pepper to taste and a little butter. My son prefers his with parmesan cheese, and my daughter likes hers with soy sauce. Try replacing your rice with quinoa and play around with seasonings and topping to your liking. Quinoa salads are fantastic just add your favorite veggies and dressing and it makes a healthfu