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Showing posts from 2017

Vegan Lasagna

Vegan Lasagna This is my go to recipe for Lasagna, it is gluten free, dairy free, and meat free. Since it is summertime I made a fresh low cook tomato sauce, in colder months I would extend the cooking time of this sauce to yield a depth of flavor. For a warm summer night this was delicious.  First I sautéed the mushrooms onions and garlic - then I add tomato paste and canned tomatoes. I love these tomatoes I find them at Whole Foods. While the sauce cooks a bit I sauté grated zucchini and frozen chopped spinach until there is no moisture left. To make the creamy filling we crumble organic firm tofu, vegan cheese,onion powder, garlic powder, nutritional yeast, chopped fresh italian parsley,salt and pepper and flax meal eggs. Assembly is next with sauce on bottom of pan, followed with uncooked noodles, cheese mixture, veggies, sauce and repeat. I didn't precook the noodles and it turned out just fine. We did not get a picture of the final product, th

Balanced Body and Happier Life

Balanced Body and Happier Life For over twenty years I have been working with clients to restore function and alignment to their body. I evaluate their posture and watch them walk to determine where their misalignments are. If you are one of my clients then you have a smart motion routine that you do Daily.  You know what else you should be doing Daily? Walking every day has multiple benefits for your health and longevity.  Regular walking has been found to:  trigger an anti aging process that helps target and repair old DNA maintain healthy weight prevent or manage various conditions, including heart disease, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes strengthen bones and muscles improves mood improve balance and coordination Part of what makes walking so beneficial is that when you are walking you can't be sitting. Sitting is the new smoking. Sitting for more than 8 hours a day is associated with a 90% increase in type 2 diabetes, along with risks of heart dis

Why Sleeping in Darkness is Important for Health

Why Sleeping in Darkness is Important for Health How many of us think about the light that we are seeing during the day or the darkness at night? Before  electricity was invented people were very much in touch with the light dark cycle of the day. When the sun rose people would get up and work and play in the daylight and as the sun set they would wind down and fall asleep in darkness. Well it turns out that how and when your body sees light and dark plays an important role on the production of a hormone called Melatonin. In contrast to our ancestors- in todays world it is very possible for someone to wake up to the sound of an alarm, get ready for work, get in their car and drive to work, spend the day inside with artificial lights and computers, drive home and sit inside with artificial lights , television and or computer or phone screens until bed. What about our children? Do they fall asleep with the television or computer screen or do they have a nightlight on in their room?
Why Inflammation-Fighting Foods are Everywhere You may be wondering why you are seeing turmeric lattes and ginger root specials everywhere you go. Fighting inflammation with food is quickly becoming a major health priority. I think it is an essential part of wellness. I teach my clients every day movements and exercises that fight the cause of tight joints and loss of mobility. Is it worth adding anti-inflammatory foods to your Functionetiks exercise and balance programs? I think the answer is clearly yes! Both Turmeric and Ginger can be found in the whole root form in most markets today. Simply use a microplane or chop very finely to add to foods or make a tea with either one.   Simple Ginger Root Tea -wash the ginger root -slice the root until you have 1-2 Tablespoons -place in tea cup and fill with boiling water -let steep for 10 minutes then enjoy Turmeric  -add to your scrambled eggs -add to your scrambled tofu(my favorite) - make curry and add to it

Vegan Meatloaf by:Corrie

Vegan Meatloaf by:Corrie This Vegan meatloaf gives you the taste and texture of regular meatloaf but it is completely vegan and loaded with nutritious foods that your body can use for energy without weighing you down like a typical meatloaf recipe can do. It is a favorite in my house and is husband and kid approved. The first step is to cut the veggies very small and sauté over medium heat until they get soft and colored slightly. I use 1 cup of mushrooms, 1 cup of onion, 1 cup of carrots, 1 cup of celery. Then to this mixture  add 1 Tablespoon of dried thyme, 1/4 cup of Tamari and 2 Tablespoons of vegan worcestershire sauce. Preheat oven to 375 degrees.  The second steep is to dump all these  ingredients into a large bowl and mix. Make a flax meal egg(add 2 Tablespoons of flax meal to 2 Tablespoons of water let sit for 5 min) In Bowl add 1 cup oats, 1 cup of bread crumbs,1 cup of mashed potato, 1 cup of ground walnuts, 1 block of extra firm tofu crumbled,1/4 cup ketchup,1/4

Vegan Maple-Oat Banana Bread and Walking Outside

Vegan Maple-Oat Banana Bread While on my journey to eat a Plant Based Diet I came across the Cookbooks By Thug Kitchen. Thug Kitchen has 3 cookbooks and I own them all  In these books the authors use a colorful language throughout that makes the recipes entertaining and funny especially when I am cooking with my 14 year old daughter Makenna. This is their Banana Bread recipe and to quote the authors"Forget that banana cake bullshit you're used to eating and telling yourself it's healthy. This is the real fucking deal. A fistful of fiber with just the right amount of sweetness, this loaf will have you coming back for more." This bread will have you coming back for more. We have made this multiple times and I hope you give it a try too.                                      recipe: maple-oat banana bread 2 cups oat flour(grind rolled oats yourself in food processor) 1 cup whole wheat pastry flour 13/4 teaspoon baking soda What to Eat? We live in a world where what to eat is not clear. If you visit a grocery store and shop in the isles you may leave with highly processed, high sugar, high fat, food like items. We can all agree that Doritos and Oreos are probably not healthy items for us to consume. What about cereal, bread, meat, dairy, vegetables and fruit? I am on a constant quest for cooking and eating as healthy as I can for myself and my family. I have been vegetarian, I have been paleo and everything in between.This year I watched   forks over knives documentary on Net Flix that changed how I think about food. It is so simple eat plants to be healthy. Can it be that simple? Since January I have been eating a Plant Based Diet. What this means is that all of my meals have been made up of whole grains...rice,quinoa,millet,whole wheat, oats.Beans and lentils, tofu and seitan and miso, lots of vegetables and fruit. What I have not been eating is any dairy or meat.