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Promoting a Movement Based Life

Promoting a Movement Based Life
You have heard it before; sitting is not good for you! We all know sitting is not good for us but most of us spend our days sitting for most of our day. As clients of Functionetiks you all have a designated time each day that you work on your function. Your individualized menu. This is amazing and makes everything you do for the rest of the day a bit more functional. How functional can you be if you spend the majority of the day sitting?

It wasn't long ago in our history of humans that our survival was determined by our ability to move. As humans we are designed to move; we can walk, run, jump, climb, carry heavy objects etc...
In the past we did not have to think about it movement was built into our day. Today our modern life dictates that we sit. So I challenge you to change that, think of ways to increase movement throughout the day. 
  • Stand up when you are working on your computer (stand on both feet with weight equal)
  • Sit down on the floor and practice getting up (if you can without using your arms)
  •  Walk in a straight line- heel to toe- forward and back to strengthen balance
  • Challenge yourself to walk to the market and carry the groceries home
Do you find yourself feeling tired or low energy throughout the day? Instead of reaching for a coffee try getting outside and moving. It can be as simple as standing outside and taking deep breaths- to taking a walk. If you are feeling anxious or depressed movement can help. Challenge yourself to move more this week and see how you feel! We brush our teeth every day to maintain oral health; how about joint health? Every day move your joints to prevent pain and stiffness. Have a great week!


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